What is BBU Pooling for RAN elasticity​?

BBU (Baseband Unit) Pooling for RAN (Radio Access Network) elasticity is a technique used in mobile networks to improve network efficiency and flexibility. In traditional mobile networks, each base station has its own baseband unit, which processes the signals transmitted and received by the antennas.

With BBU Pooling, multiple base stations can share a common pool of baseband resources, which allows for more efficient use of resources and greater flexibility in network design. This means that the processing power of the baseband units can be dynamically allocated to different base stations based on demand, instead of being fixed to a specific station.

The pooling of BBUs enables network operators to improve network efficiency and reduce costs by avoiding the need to deploy separate BBUs at each base station. It also allows for more flexible network design, as network operators can allocate resources as needed to address coverage and capacity issues.

In summary, BBU pooling for RAN elasticity is a technology that enables the dynamic allocation of baseband resources across multiple base stations in a mobile network, improving network efficiency and flexibility.

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